Toadtastic Blog

About me

My hhhhoooobbbbiiiieeeezzzz

This section is all about the stuff I like. My name is Elijah. I will show you all the stuff I like. Some of it might be board, card or video games, or it just might be a blog about travels or life. I hope you have fun!

Pipes and teleporters is a variation to snakes & ladders that I made up at school.WIN_20240923_11_16_54_Pro You need the Board, Two characters and a Die. Play it just like Snakes & ladders. If you land on the top of a pipe, go down to the space that it ends. If you land on a teleporter, go to the number space on the teleporter, if you land on a cobweb, skip 3 turns, if you land on a broken heart, go 1 space ahead of the player of your choice, and if you land on bowser, go back to the start! The aim is to be the first to 100. Have fun!

Perth trip

Day 1

Update 1 I am on the plane now. it will be a very long trip. 4hrs very long.

Update 2 I am at perth now with my cousins.

Update 3 for dinner I had chicken kebab in a roll it was delicious.

thats all for day 1!!!