Toadtastic Blog
About me
My hhhhoooobbbbiiiieeeezzzz
This section is all about the stuff I like. My name is Elijah. I will show you all the stuff I like. Some of it might be board, card or video games, or it just might be a blog about travels or life. I hope you have fun!
Pipes and teleporters is a variation to snakes & ladders that I made up at school.
You need the Board, Two characters and a Die. Play it just like Snakes & ladders. If you land on the top of a pipe, go down to the space that it ends. If you land on a teleporter, go to the number space on the teleporter, if you land on a cobweb, skip 3 turns, if you land on a broken heart, go 1 space ahead of the player of your choice, and if you land on bowser, go back to the start! The aim is to be the first to 100. Have fun!